Popeyes Creates A Campaign For Musicians

1 min

Popeyes Creates A Campaign For Musicians. Unfortunately, coronavirus takes somethings from our life. Some people can not see their beloved. Some people cancel their plans that they wait a long-time. AND some people lost their jobs… The music industry is getting effect badly by Covid-19 too. Concerts, tours being canceled. Many musicians can not do their job. Well, what is the relationship that is the content’s topic, the between Popeyes and New Orleans’ musicians? Popeyes that is fast-food chains, what can it do for musicians? This campaign by Popeyes was appreciated by many people and institutions. Other brands are also expected to make campaigns to help people like this. Let’s answer the questions but firstly watch the ad.

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#LoveThatJingle Ad

Popeyes open the first store in  New Orleans. New Orleans is famous for jazz clubs. Popeyes can't forget where it came from, it prepares a hiring campaign for New Orleans' musicians.  The campaign will run from May 1 to May 18, 2020. These musicians will share their Popeyes jingles' interpreting video demo with #LoveThatJingle on social media. Musicians' jingle will publish on TV, radio stations, and social media.  As a result, Popeyes will pay musicians for using records.

Popeyes provides to become a byword with this competition-campaign. Also, it is not forgetting its past and is touch our hearts.  So, Congratulations Popeyes 🥳


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