What’s Going On With Social Media Apps? Innovations

1 min

Hi everyone, We are here with great news from social media apps. This week’s theme is to provide more services and add features that consider more users. Let’s take a look at the latest developments without keeping you waiting any longer. Social media apps. Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds


Instagram posts can now be published from your desktop. This feature, which is currently being used by a small number of users, is still in the testing stage. This feature, which will be especially useful for social media experts, is only available for post sharing. This is not valid for Reals and Story features. As users, we are looking forward to this alternative option.


Facebook has started testing reels and audio rooms. Facebook's goal in integrating it into Instagram reels is to increase interaction.


Snapchat has collaborated with Universal Music Group. Snapchat that announced the addition of new music to its Snap library, received support from the Jonas Brothers.

"We’ve loved using and partnering with Snapchat over the years! It’s a place where we feel creative and where we can get instant feedback from our followers. We’re thrilled they are partnering with UMG because more than any of our past posts, now our fans will be able to use our music to engage with each other and across their posts, Stories and Lenses.


TikTok has added a new feature called TikTok Jump. When users want to get detailed information about the shared content, they can easily reach information using the Jump feature.

For more information click here.


There is some exciting news for Telegram users. Telegram now supports video calls, screen sharing, and group video calls. These features can also be used as a desktop.

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