7 Creative Bagvertising Examples From Different Brands 🤩

1 min

Hey guys! Are you interested in bags? Then, this post might be quite interesting for you. 😀 Today, we are here to share some of the Bagvertising Examples From Different Brands. This bags basically advertise their products or services. Let’s get started!

  1. 1 Nail Biter?? Stop'n Grow Helps ✋🏻

  2. 2 Who Wants To Seem Fit?

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  3. 3 Lipton Clear Green Tea Bag 🌱

    The carry bag was designed in a form of an actual Lipton clear green tea bag. A pack of Lipton clear green tea was kept in it with a hoola hoop and was given as a gift to the women in the mall.

  4. 4 A Different Way of Motivating Yourself 👊🏼

  5. 5 Both Hanger and Bag 👌🏼

    These bags enable to carry and hang your clothes. Moreover, they are made of recycled/recyclable paper and cardboard.

  6. 6 Canon Eos Digital Camera Bag 📷

  7. 7 Golf GTI Bag

    This work came from an agency in Paris. Main purpose is to promote the new VW Golf GTI and give consumers this fun and eye-catching bag to draw attention to the brand.

Topic: Bagvertising Examples From Different Brands

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Gülcan Arslan

She is studying International Trade & Marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University and doing Erasmus intern in Germany. Mostly, she likes writing about video ads. If you would like to contact her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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