5 Brands That Make A Gain Or Loss In 2021

Today, we will analyze brands that increase their market value or lose their position in the market in 2021. 1 min

In 2021, we wanted to make a profit. Some of us could do that but someone like me didn’t. Brands are also thinking like us. From this point, we did research and we wanted to write a post about ”how the brand’s position and its market value changed in the market in 2021? ‘ Also, if you are a person who is curious about marketing, brands, and news about marketing you can follow Marketing Birds on Instagram. 

So let’s begin! 


  1. 1 Meta

    We wanted to give a start from the most fallen angel. Meta or formerly named Facebook; last year they were in sixth place but in 2021 they were five places down and eleventh place.

  2. 2 Tencent

    Tencent is a brand that striving artificial intelligence and internet services. Tencent depreciated like Meta. They were in eighth place in 2020. But in 2021, they are in the tenth position.

  3. 3 Tesla

    Elon Musk... What a guy! Maybe he is living a successful life that most of us dreamed of. Space X, SolarCity, and Tesla. We added just Tesla because of the company's increasing market value. In 2020 they were in seventh place. But in 2021 they raised one step.

  4. 4 Bershire Hathaway

    Consider a company, Warren Buffet is your biggest investigator and at the same time, Bill Gates is on your board of directors. As you guessed just these two people are enough to establish and manage an incredible company. In 2020 they were in ninth place. And they raised 2 steps in 2021.

  5. 5 Nvidia

    Annd the winner🎉🎉🎉 as a people who really enjoyed playing video games, I really in glad about Nvidia's success. They went up five places and this is the biggest growth in 2021. We wanted to send our congrats due to this success.

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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