5 Creative Advertisements That Appeal To Children’s Day

Today we will look at the advertising of various children's brands, products that are usually used by teenagers, as well as those that appeal to their colorful world 1 min

Children’s Day was presented to Turkey by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk on April 23. It is an important day for Turkey. That’s why we wanted to write a post about Children’s Day also wanted to address ads for children because today is April 23. 🥳  Prior to the beginning, as you remember about your childhood, probably you like ice-creams too much. From that point, we wrote a post about that and if you want to check that post you can check it here


  1. 1 Lego

    Children build the uniforms of their dreams, which shape their future, by combining the parts of Lego.

  2. 2 Play Doh

    In our childhood, when we most missed dreaming, wouldn't we be interested if we saw an ad like this? ☄️

  3. 3 Nintendo

    Gameboy, one of the most popular devices released by Nintendo, has provided convenience to its users thanks to its easy folding and being small enough to fit in the pocket.

  4. 4 Jelly Belly

    Jelly Belly, a candy company, is also in front of us this time in a Halloween costume.

  5. 5 Oreo

    We can literally call it a creative advertisement. Here, an imaginary figure was created from Oreo and a beautiful image was obtained.

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