7 Global Brands That Increased Their Brand Value On 2021

Brand Values are sources of the lives of brands. From this point, we wanted to create a blog post about famous brands' brand values changing in 2021.1 min

As we’ve written in the first paragraph, brand values are sources of the lives of brands. Because brands are competing with each other in this way. Anything they did or will do can affect and their reputation on the market. That’s why they should manage themselves correctly. Also, if you are interested in brands’ collaborations with each other you can check them at this link. And lastly, if you want to check all brands and brand value’ situations in 2021, you can check the link. So let’s beginn! 😊😊😊

  1. 1 Apple

    Of course, Apple never misses these tables. Assuming that; most of us are using Apple, their success is not surprising. They increased their market value by 74% !! Just I wanna say ''WOW'' !! 😱  😱 

  2. 2 Amazon

    Like Apple, Amazon is, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, always in the kind of this ranking. They increased their brand value by 64%.

  3. 3 Google

    What a website! Before the finding Google, our research or marketing activities are really difficult. But after the development of Google, everything becomes too much easy. If you ask me, all of us owe one's thanks. In 2021 they increased their brand value by 42%.

  4. 4 Alibaba

    China is a rising star in the World. And our 4th famous brand established in China. Alibaba is presenting products of China in all markets around the World. And at the same time, they are increasing their reputation due to their working style. Alibaba increased its brand value by 29% in 2021.

  5. 5 Microsoft

    Microsoft is always too strong in the software market. And this situation did not change in 2021. They increased their brand value by 26%.

  6. 6 McDonald's

    Most of us are best friends, especially when we don't want to deal with cooking. 🙂 McDonald's increased its brand value by 20% in 2021.

  7. 7 MasterCard

    Credit cards... Whatever I said for McDonald's it's so similar to credit cards. And as most of you know, MasterCard is in this market for a long time. Customers will be impressed that MasterCard has increased its brand value by 4% in 2021.

  1. Which Brand Do You Use More Often ?

    1. Apple
    2. Amazon
    3. Google
    4. Alibaba
    5. Microsoft
    6. McDonald's
    7. MasterCard
    10 votes
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