6 Attractive Lego Ads That Affect Your Creativity!

People wants to place where they can show their creativity. And Lego's are one of the best place for this. That's why we decided to create a post about Lego ads. 1 min

Hey marketing lovers! We hope that your new year has started the way you wanted. 😊 As the Marketing Birds team, after resting during this holiday, we started working towards our goals for 2024. Your new year has started the way you wanted. 😊 As the Marketing Birds team, after resting during this holiday, we started working towards our goals for 2024. Before moving on to our post, we wish you, our readers, a healthy and peaceful year. 🥳 Going back to our article, today we will examine Lego ads together. We did this in another post before. If you would like to review older Lego ads, you can also access that post via this link.

  1. 1 Big Ben

    Our first advertisement comes from the UK. 🇬🇧 A Lego in the shape of Big Ben. We think it looks wonderful! 🤩

  2. 2 Crocodile Lego

    If you've ever built Lego, you know that sometimes finding the right piece can be more difficult than you think. Lego, as a brand, made a nice reference to this situation and we wanted to include it in our post. 😊

  3. 3 Violin Lego

    Here we see a campaign run jointly by Lego and Unicef. It is both creative and meaningful. That's why we thought it should be included in our post. 🤓

  4. 4

    Here is the advertisement that explains exactly what Lego wants to do! 😍 Beautiful, decorative Legos created through figures created using our creativity! We think this is great! 😻

  5. 5 Orca Whale Lego

    Although orca whales are generally scary, they look a little cuter thanks to Lego. 😅 Our other character seems to have made a difference with his uniqueness. 😎

  6. 6

    This one is our last ad in the post. And we think that this one is a strong candidate for the best ad. What about you? Do you agree with that? If you aren't you can share your best ad with us by DM us on Instagram or sending an e-mail! 🤓

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