Builders Of Tomorrow; The Best Ads of LEGO

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Hello again to everyone after a long break. Although the photos below are of high quality, some points appear pixel by pixel. This is because the photos below contain a LEGO® ad. I wish it to be an article in which you will design the future as you dream. The Best Ads of LEGO.

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  1. 1 Child Labour 👷🏻🏗️🧱

    It’s the children who build the future. Children toys feel fly high imagination as big as the sky.

  2. 2 The Real Invertors ☎️👨🏻‍🔬

    Nothing can compete with the imagination of children. Especially if they have hand skills, they can bring out a lot of things that are connected to real life. Here's a phone, if you really want to talk to this phone, you can hear the sound of "Hello"!

  3. 3 Sister Of The Light Bulb👩🏻‍🔬💡

    In this photo, there is an invention as great as Edison, the father of the light bulb! Can this little girl light a light bulb with her imagination and talent? I think it looks like he's already lit that light bulb, or didn't you see the reflection in the kitchen cabinet?

  4. 4 The Best Dentist Of The Future 🦷👨🏼‍⚕️🥼

    Judging by your grandmother's happy and proud posture, her granddaughter has made her the most durable prosthetic teeth in the world. Look how confident the boy is! He's already shown interest in the profession that adorns his dreams. This child must definitely be a dentist because the teeth have been very successful!

  5. 5 Solar and Wind Energy Engineering ⚙️☀️🌬️👷🏻📡

    Wind Roses are nature friendly, do not pollute the environment, and are a renewable energy source.  A future engineer is making wind roses out of Legos in his house right now! We are confident that this young friend, who started his engineering life at an early age, will change things in the future. Maybe we see wind roses now in colors other than white, who knows...

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Sinem Basman

She is studying Department of Business Administration at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She works as a social media consultant at Graphia Design. She is also a volunteer social media consultant to The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you want to contact her for creative content, ideas and other business matters, you can say hi via e-mail or Instagram.

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