How Were Different Types of Lay’s Packaged?

Lay's is one of the biggest chips brands. They have amazing chips but what if we create different types of chips and packaging for these chips? 🤔1 min

Hi marketing lovers! 😍 Chips are one of the favorite snacks of most of us. As most of you know, Lay’s is one of the most famous brands in the world in this regard.🤩 They bring us together with many different tastes. So, what would it be like if species and their packaging that they had never thought of before were produced? 🧐 If this question interests you, join us because today we will look at the Lay’s brand from a different perspective. When creating this post we used ”Yapay Zeka Kafası”s LinkedIn post as a resource. If you want to check what they also creating, by using the link, you can reach their other creative designs. On the other hand, if you are a person who is a chips gourmet, We invite you to read the post where you choose between the 2 chips we give you.

  1. 1 Sriracha Honey & Pickled Ginger

  2. 2 Mango & Chill Lime

  3. 3 Salmon & Cream Cheese

  4. 4

  5. 5 Which one was your favourite?


    So, these are the packagings and types of chips. What do you think? Are these seems okay or not? If you liked it, which was your best one. Don't forget to share your ideas with us! 😍

    See you all in next week! 👋🏻

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