6 Incredible Bookshelves Designs For Your Home

1 min

Do you like bookshelves that take up an entire wall and make room only for books or do you prefer minimalist ones? We have the solution for both options with the coolest design. Although often the concept of ‘design’ is high-sounding, it does not mean that creation and design must necessarily be associated with precious and priceless materials. Sometimes, creativity is all you need to create a beautiful bookshelf. Let’s start looking into the 6 most creative bookshelves designs! Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

  1. 1 Tree

    Sky Rye Design

    If you are tired of the classic shelves, then a tree design one is perfect for you! It is fun to create and extremely creative. Add some spirit of nature to your room. It can hold about 100 books and can be attached to the wall to keep it stable. 

  2. 2 Piano

    Are you a music lover? Do you enjoy musical instruments? If yes, a piano design bookshelf is the best choice! This kind of bookshelf is big enough to hold not only books but also photo frames and other souvenirs. Elegant and admirable, it would suit every room. 

  3. 3 The Couch Library

    Etsy/The Library Chair

    A couch and a bookshelf, both in only one place! This design can make this miracle happen. You can sit comfortably and still be able to choose what kind of book you want to read without having to get up. It takes a little space and you can move it easily around the house.

  4. 4 Light Bulb

    Light Bulbs represent new ideas, illumination, and knowledge. These 3 elements are mostly received from reading and what else could be better than a light bulb bookshelf design? It would look better in your bedroom...with a light on.

  5. 5 Letterpress Bookshelf


    This bookshelf is an amazing reminder of the books you need to read in the future, but it also shows how many books you have already read. It is simple, organized, and beautiful. A perfect white bookshelf will suit almost any room.

  6. 6 Police Box


    Everyone will think it is a police box for public calls and when they will pull to open...WOAH! A bookshelf appears. It can handle many books and other objects too. This design is unique, secretive, and interesting.


    If you love books, no tablet, e-book or e-reader will make you abandon your love for paper and printing. A bookworm will always maintain a library. Therefore, the creative bookshelves that we showed are the perfect space to store your collections of literary treasures. And do not forget: A house that has a library in it has a soul.

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Armela Tusha

- Student of Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland. -Studying Public Relations, Marketing & New Media.

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