7 Eye-Catching Music Ads For Music Addicts

As a team who is addicted to music, this week we want to write a post about music and music app ads. 1 min

We love music and that’s why we are preparing this post. Music affects our mood. When we are happy or sad, they are always together with us. We previously wrote a post about creative headphone ads for music lovers and this time we listed the 7 eye-catching music ads. So let’s beginnn! 😊😊

IG: @marketingbirds

  1. 1 Samsung/Tengri Music Festival

    Samsung and Tengri Music Festival's designers work together and they create this creative ad. And if you ask me, the saxophone's colour looks really well on Samsung's phone.

  2. 2 McDonald's

    Again and again! Whenever we are talking about creativity or eye-catching, McDonald's always confronting us. Their designers are really creative people. For this reason, we should respect them.

  3. 3 Beats

    While we are talking about music, I think no one thinking of a post that does not include Beats. Because they are so powerful in this market.

  4. 4 Philharmonie De Paris

    This ad comes from France. And they use cables like spaghetti. And considering I'm hungry right now, it makes me more and more hungry. 😂😂

  5. 5 Sony

    Whatever I said to Beats, it's similar to Sony. They are so strong in the music market. In this ad, they design a guitar-like ear.

  6. 6 Spotify

    Firing from a job is feeling really bad. But what is the worst one? Finding out this through Spotify... 😂😂 We are sharing your pain, Paul. You can be a blogger at Marketing Birds while you are searching for a new job. 😂😂😂  

  7. 7 Samsung/Tengri Music Festival

    We are finishing our post with Samsung and Tengri Music Festival's cooperation. We have already used their ad in our post. We want to thank them for these ads.

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