Car Brands’ Ad Clash

We like cars, cars like us too. Also cars like other cars, even if sometimes they try to piss off each other... 1 min

Every one of you knows that German car brands always try to deal with each other by using billboards, social media, TV channels, etc. Today we’ve listed car brands deals between Audi, BMW, Mercedes, and Jaguar. Before the beginning, if you are trusting your knowledge about cars, you can solve our car quiz. And lastly, if you want to follow news about marketing, you can follow Marketing Birds on Twitter.

  1. 1 Audi - Your move BWM

    Seems Audi wants to play with BMW by this billboard ad.

  2. 2 BMW - Answers to Audi - Checkmate

    BMW seems to be ready for this game already.

  3. 3 Audi & BMW - Answers to eachother

    Audi still tries to make BMW mad but as we've seen, BMW always has a good answer.

  4. 4 BMW - Tries to play with Mercedes

    BMW thinks that it's hero. But who knows, maybe it's keeping the real hero inside. You know who is I'm talking about.

  5. 5 Audi - Quattro

    This is what happens if you don't have Quattro.

  6. 6 BMW - Answers to Audi's Quattro

    Seems BMW knows what happens when you have Quattro but I'm not sure about that.

  7. 7 BMW - Nose to nose

    Did you see the Jaguar? Is it running or not?

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Ramazan ÖNER

Former "Social Media Manager" of Marketing Birds. He is studying "Business" at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes sales marketing and advertising also he interested in social media marketing. If you would like to send your creative works/ideas to him, say hello via email.

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