7 Lemonade Ads That Make You Feel Cool

We're in summer as you know. Weather is really hot and all of us need to feel cool. That's why we decided to write a post about lemonades and their advertisements. 1 min

Summer… Favourite season of people who don’t like cold weather. -Like me- But sometimes high temperatures feels really sweltering. For this reason all of us need to cool down. These are the reasons why we’re writing this post. If you want to read to our other posts you can follow Marketing Birds. Without taking any more your time, let’s begin to our post😊😊

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In this ad, the creator use a limon like coke. As we wrote in the first paragraph, due to the high temperatures, all of us need to feel cool. And if you ask me, lemonade is doing this really well🥶🥶


This one is a little bit different from other images. Because this one is doesn't include any brand. It's a design for lemonade. But it looks well. That's why we wanted to add this advertisement in our post. 😊😊


This ad comes from Arabian peninsula. Assuming that there is hotter from our countries, they need to lemonade more than us. And this bottle can solve their warming problem.


A golf club use lemonade for their event. I don't know play golf but I can drink a glass of lemonade with them 😂😂😂


Another advertisement comes from different continent. But this one is different from our other lemonades because this one made from limes. And for me, it looks really fresh.


Some differences sometimes makes it more pleasing to the eye. From this point, we wanted to add a sauce ad. But don't worry it made from lemon. It's look so dissimilar from other sauces.


The last one distincts from other ads because of the background colour. As you see, the other advertisement's backgrounds are generally yellow, but this one is black. That's why we found this interesting.

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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