The Story Of “My Little Friends” NFT Collection – An Interview With Art Garden

Recently, the NFT world has grown a lot and has become an interesting world. It is also of interest to our readers. 1 min

We understand the interest of our readers in NFTs from the number of reads of our posts on this subject. The posts we shared about NFTs have been read by many people. So today we have some good news for our NFT-lovers. 😃 We had an interview with “Art Garden”, who recently published an amazing NFT collection called “My Little Friends”.

Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m an artist who is particularly interested in nature and environment. I think the nature is full of amazing “artistic” works, and I love catching those beautiful moments. That’s why I use the name “Art Garden”, because I believe the environment is a kind of natural “Art Gallery”.

What was the inspiration behind the “My Little Friends” NFT collection?

I love visiting flower festivals. On my last visit I saw tiny cacti and succulents and fell in love with them. I bought one, and then I bought another, and so on. I suddenly became a man living with cacti and succulents. 😃

I was living alone and these guys made my life an interesting place. Because now I had to act according to their needs. For example, if I went on vacation somewhere, I had to take them with me or I had to return early to water them. So I realized that I was no longer alone. 😅 Because I have a lot of little friends living in my house. Then I started taking beautiful pictures and videos of them and I noticed that they look really great on camera too.

Sounds really fun! What about their names?

As I spent a lot of time with them, I started talking to them after a while. 🙃 Then I realized that I had to give them a name (like The Smurfs). Some have already evolved names in my mind because of their shape. For example one of them looks like Mickey Mouse, so I called him Mickey. Since he was my best friend, I gave the Number 1 in the collection. Those who are like twin brothers already deserve the name "Twins" and Number 2. My third friend was called Paris because she looked like the Eiffel Tower. 😃

#01 - Mickey
#02 - Twins
#03 - Paris

Because one of these cacti is leaning like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, I named it Pisa. The reason why I put it at number 4 in the collection is the tilt of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which is 3.99 degrees. My fifth friend looks like it's saying hello to people, so I named her Hi!. The Number 6 looks like an octopus with six arms. Octopuses have 6 arms and 2 legs.

#04 - Pisa
#05 - Hi!
#06 - Octopus

I think I saw the name "Rumi" in the collection.

Yes, it's one of my favourites. When I look at it, I remember the whirling dervishes. That's why I named him Rumi. He turns to the left, while all the other guys turn to the right. The reason why I put it in the 7th place in the collection is because of Rumi's "7 Advices". I think they seem important to humanity.

"1. In generosity and helping others; be like a river.
2. In compassion and grace; be like the sun.
3. In concealing others’ faults; be like the night.
4. In anger and fury; be like dead.
5. In modesty and humility; be like earth.
6. In tolerance; be like a sea.
7. Either, exist as you are or be as you look."

-   Rumi

The other one reminds me "stars" when I look at it. I think it will reminds you too. He's brilliant. I gave him the Number 8 because I wanted it to represent the 8 main stars (planets) in the galaxy. And the last minted one called Rose because of its rose-like shape. I gave the Number 9 in the collection because I learned that "9 Roses" symbolizes eternal love. Nine means "long-lasting" in Chinese.

#07 - Rumi
#08 - Stars
#09 - Rose

Impressive. How about the rest?

Thank you. Currently the 9 of them are minted. I've 20 more friends in the collection, which will be minted later on. I can say, the rest is also exciting. For example, the tall one below reminds me Kobe, who was my favourite basketball player, so I called him Kobe. His number in the collection must be of course 24. The one on the right reminds me of Phoenix Bird, so I named her Phoenix. Interestingly, a small bird (or something like an insect) also passed in front of the camera during the shoot. Which made me feel like I was right about the name Phoenix.

An inspiring collection. We look forward to the next drop and wish you success!

Thank you. 😊




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