Marketing to Dads: Happy Father’s Day

1 min

Happy Father’s Day to all the lovely dads around the globe, you deserve all the love and respect you can get. So here‘s an appreciation post to all of you out there with 8 Father’s Day campaigns.

  1. 1 Bru

    A special cup of love coffee for our beloved father.

  2. 2 Titas

    Nobody can ever replace you.

  3. 3 Propello

    Thank you dad for always taking care of us.

  4. 4 Exotica

    What a nice way to change the typical "flowers on mother's day" concept.

  5. 5 Castania

    Because every dad should be appreciated.

  6. 6 Mcdonalds

    A burger bun representing our dad's head.

  7. 7 O Boticario

    Your dad gave you all the best of himself. Show appreciation.

  8. 8 Fakhry

    Dad is always a hero in our eyes.

Topic: Marketing to Dads

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Pauline Khalil

She is studying Marketing & Advertising at Saint Joseph University and perusing her masters in Communication and Product Development. She's passionate about her major and loves creativity. Please don't hesitate to contact her if you would like to show your creative work, say Hello via email.

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