11 Memes About iPhone 11 That Will Brighten Your Day

Apple revealed its newest iPhone, and the Internet reacts with hilarious memes.1 min

With the announcement of the iPhone 11 just a few days ago, it was to be expected that the new product will be met with both praise and criticism, and most importantly the memes about it have been flowing thick and fast. The main target of theses hilarious memes has been the unusual design of the camera of the iPhone 11 Pro featuring 3 large cameras on the back of the device which have been compared to everything from a stovetop to a cell going through mitosis. Can’t see what I mean? Scroll down to check them out for yourself!

P.S: Tripophobics, look away 🤢

  1. 1

  2. 2 It can also work as an electric stove!

  3. 3 Bringing back fidget spinners

  4. 4 The perfect case doesn't exis-

  5. 5

  6. 6 Meet the iShaver

  7. 7 Shocked Pikachu 😲

  8. 8 Celebrities as iPhone 11

  9. 9

  10. 10

  11. 11

    Is it really shocking at this point though? 

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Ghita Salouane

A marketing and finance student at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (Morocco). Passionate about marketing and believes that everything you can imagine is real.

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