Eco-Friendly Breakthrough From KFC

1 min

KFC takes a step-through an eco-friendly brand. It is known, while we eat to KFC’s menu, the flavor of it still lingers and also our fingers know 🙂 In the previous day, KFC explains a new slogan; finger-licking ‘good. Middle East KFC thinks the slogan, makes a clean and eco-friendly move. Receipts transform into a napkin. This transformation does not only include the receipt. Alongside it includes menus, handbills, posters … Thus, there will be no waste of paper and its usage will increase due to the deletion of hands. Also, This ad campaign has attracted a lot of attention. Eco-friendly people have also very supportive of this advertising campaign. The fact that other brands enter into an eco-friendly advertising campaign race will have very positive consequences for our world. In other words, Big brands have a lot of influence on plastic and paper products and their reduction allows brands to gain sympathy and make our world a more liveable place. Eco-friendly ink is used for writing. This implementation is called napkin sized. But this campaign applies to Lebanon and The United Arab Emirates :(. Well, let’s watch the advertisement.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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