Netflix “The Spoiler Billboard”

1 min

Brands share social messages almost every day. Because of the coronavirus, they organize many advertising campaigns that remind people to stay home and keep their social distance. Many of them are really remarkable advertising campaigns. Netflix also released its advertising campaign. Truly amazing! Netflix The Spoiler Billboard.

The main subject of the advertising campaign is “spoiler". Netflix The Spoiler Billboard. Nobody likes spoilers. Netflix Thailand discourages people from going out on the quarantine period by giving spoilers from favorite series. Netflix located these spoiler ads in different parts of the city. Especially ads with the following message were set in bus stops and metro stations: “gathering spaces might contain the ending of your favorite series''. 😊 Netflix is really good at running fast and creative ads based on the agenda. Netflix's ad campaign has as many who don't like it as they do. People on the street may have stumbled across these ads and didn't like them 😊.
 By the way, this creative advertising campaign was designed by
Miami Ad School. 👏👏

You can find another share about this ad campaign on Netflix by clicking here!

You can find other posts we share about Netflix on our site by clicking here!

Art Director: Seine Kongruangkit
Copywriter: Matithorn Prachuabmoh Chaimoungkalo

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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