Emotional And Creative: Thanksgiving Ads Are Here!

It seems like we’ll spend this Thanksgiving day protecting our loved ones by keeping the social distance, instead how its usual meaning of gratefully gathering up. 1 min

Hola Turkeys!

We prepared another content that will warm you inside, as the holiday approaches. This holiday, normally full of coming together and being grateful for harvests, contradicts our new lifestyle and new normals. We spent most of this year fighting with the COVID-19 pandemic, and we’re still far from formal normal lives. That’s why brands can’t campaign their usual “better together” themed adverts. So we want to remind you of some emotional, amusing ads that were once our normals, this Thanksgiving.

Brands try speaking to their target customers with emotional marketing these days, and we’ll see some ads they campaigned in the past with their taste and style, even though it’s not really their market.

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Let’s begin!

  1. 1 Publix

    Why don’t we start with a quite emotional and classic Thanksgiving ad? Publix campaigns ads with the themes of family and gathering every year. They touch on something missed and buried deep, via emotional marketing. Everyone finds something they long for in those ads. In this particular one, we see a nanny giving us the perfect recipe that completes a family. That’s an emotional one!

  2. 2 Stabbington

    In the beginning, we see the stereotypical grandma, teaching us the importance of the day once again while also giving a nice recipe... But things change unexpectedly and get interesting. They mixed the theme with that of Halloween, resulting in an ad with a unique perspective. A creative and surprising ad!

    Written and directed by Tremendosaur

  3. 3 Red Bull

    Pretty entertaining, and also sad, this ad conveys the story of the unlucky turkey living in a barn. It’s the only one left in there, hence having this fate as a tradition. The way they write this with their own commercial strategies, and making a successful Thanksgiving ad, makes us say even louder:  Redbull gives you wings!

  4. 4 Meijer

    Social media got very popular in recent years, #lifestyle #food hashtags became a part of our lives. Everyone is sharing what they eat, even if they are at home —they just use light nicely with a beautiful presentation of the dish. What matters now is whether the food can be a trendsetter and how it looks, not how it tastes. At this point, this ad takes an advantage of it and turns “sharing” into its real meaning. 

  5. 5 Jumanji

    Don’t say that it’s absurd to make an ad out of a movie. It’s not a brand campaign, but still, a campaign made for movie promotion, and that’s also a marketing example, which also happens to be very successful! Jumanji's production team also made Halloween themed versions. In this one, we get to know the characters, as they gather around a Thanksgiving table. A nice way to humanize the characters and show their personalities.

    Created by Sony Pictures Entertainment

  6. 6 Google Home

    Wouldn’t it be nice to reconsider our holiday plans, as it approaches? In this ad, we see a day of a couple’s holiday, with an amusing help from Google Home of course. Who is ready to make turkeys out of pine cones and relax? This one portrays how nicely the product becomes a part of the family.

  7. 7 Peta

    “This Thanksgiving, be thankful you’re not a turkey —be vegan,” says Peta as an animal rights advocate for the brand. This ad presents a different perspective, which is emotional and disturbingly striking. We see that a little girl directing the attention to how the generation changed, and how we should opt for a world in which animal rights are more respected. With a combination of innocence and intense words, this is a very striking ad. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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