Tips For Black Friday 2020 During Covid

2 min

Hello Shopping Monster,

Like everything else in 2020, Black Friday is also affected. Some big brands may not open their stores on Black Friday. Because you know that people flock to the store during big discounts. This breaks the social distance rule. We can take care to shop online on Black Friday to avoid risking our health and public health. Brands can offer their customers the opportunity of free delivery for online shopping. Tips For Black Friday.

If you do not want to shop online on Black Friday, please wear a mask and pay attention to your social distance. You know nothing is more important than our health. We will offer you a few tips for Black Friday shopping which falls on November 27th, considering the epidemic period. Stay health. Have a pleasant time shopping.

1) Skip the in-store sales and shop online. We are all getting used to the new normals. There has been a certain increase in online shopping rates. That’s why we must continue to shop online on Black Friday. Before big deals, we can visit the stores and note the products we like. So, we can buy products in our shopping cart without wasting time on big deals time online shopping.

2) Do some comparison shopping. Don’t waste your money. This is important for Black Friday. Sometimes companies can increase the prices of the products and apply a discount on the higher price. In order not to fall into this situation, you should inquire about the price of the product you like from various stores.

3) Check out the Apps. Many iOS and Android applications are specially designed for Black Friday. Brands may offer different discounts for iOS and Android applications. Don’t forget to check it out.

4) Check all store policies in advance. Brands may change their return and exchange policies at times of big discounts because products are limited in stock. Do not forget to check the online site of your preferred brand before shopping.

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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