Facebook Down Tweets Up

1 min

Hi everyone, Weren’t we all bored the other day? Facebook down. We didn’t know what to do. This situation showed that the following conclusion is correct. Facebook, Instagram, and/or WhatsApp all play significant roles in our lives. We spend a significant amount of time on these applications. A lot of businesses depend on these apps to conduct their operations. These applications provide assistance to others. This situation was used positively by both users and businesses. After all, the evening was flavored by the brands that connected with consumers via Twitter, as well as the innovative tweets in the discussion. Thus we’ve compiled a list for you. Let’s began!!! Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

Some Brands Summited To Squid Game

Some Of Them Have Determined The Situation In A Funny Way.

Others Didn't Miss The Opportunity.

Twitter, On The Other Hand, Started A Conversation, Which Resulted In The Creation Of Original Tweets.

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