Please Down The Volume On Your Phone, These Brilliant Halloween Ads Contain High Horror

1 min

Hi everyone, Are you all arranged for Halloween? Not yet, is it? However, we are confident that some brands have made fantastic preparations. Halloween guerilla marketing, ads, packages, social media sharings, and so on… So much so that brands turn this event into a race between themselves. We wanted to show horror halloween ads you each marketing tactic that we had compiled for you. Let’s started. Horror Halloween Ads.

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This ad is the best example of guerilla marketing for Halloween. KFC workers became Dracula, werewolves, zombies, and the devil. In addition, Halloween-themed KFC packages are designed. Thanks to this, the Halloween spirit was alive with KFC. Did we say resurrected?


We know, Burger King takes the Halloween theme seriously. Everything, from advertisements to billboards, is based on this theme. This excellent example is #BroomThru that is a simple and effective Halloween campaign. In this campaign included in #BroomThru were both opportunity and social messages. Burger King gave away free Whoppers to customers who "rode a broom" like a witch and wore masks.

So, how can a healthcare organization publish a Halloween advertisement? This video provides an excellent learning opportunity. One medical created an ad about creative and excellent giving the social message.


Isn't it true that Halloween brings out the cute beast in all of us? Renault also brought out the cute monster cars from within and came up with a cute print ad for them.

This ad is no different from horror movies. The product feature is cleverly placed in the advertisement and at the same time embedded in the advertisement story. 

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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