How Famous Brands’ Journeys Were Started?

In this week's post, we are going to list famous brands' history and their first products. Also, you can able to see what they look like. So let's begin our post. 1 min

Hello everyone!

Today, we will go back in time and we will have look at which famous brands' product journeys and what they produced at the beginning of their journey.  At the same time, you can see what they look like. Also, if you want to check other famous brands' product journeys you can click this link

And lastly, we found those pictures on Heybe Creative's LinkedIn account. If you want to check their LinkedIn account on this link.

  1. 1 Samsung

    Heybe Creative

    In 1938, Samsung entered the food sector as you can see. But time changed Samsung's idea and they changed their sector with technology. Nowadays, they are almost the market leader with Apple.

  2. 2 Toyota

    Heybe Creative

    Most of you know that established in Japan. Also, again as you know they are producing cars now but in their previous journey, they produced automatic loom.

  3. 3 Nokia

    Heybe Creative

    Nokia's journey is really different from others. Because their journey starts with toilet rolls. But continuing period they changed their sector like Samsung. However with a difference. Nokia was the leader of the mobile phone sector until the 2010s. After the rising of touchscreen phones, Nokia first lost its lead, after then sold to Microsoft in 2014.

  4. 4 Hasbro

    Heybe Creative

    If you are thinking about the entertainment sector, probably Hasbro comes to your mind first or second. Their journey started with Fabric Remnants.

  5. 5 Colgate

    Heybe Creative

    Colgate is a company that based in the United States and in the dental health industry. On the other hand, their first product was hand soap.

  6. 6 Lego

    Heybe Creative

    What we said about Hasbro is similar to Lego. They were established in Denmark in 1932. Also, their first product was a wooden duck for kids. 

  7. 7 Sony

    Heybe Creative

    When you say Sony, probably most of the people think that they are one of the leaders in the technology industry. Actually, they didn't change the sector but products are changed over the years.

  8. 8 Apple

    Heybe Creative

    Apple is one of the leaders in the technology industry, It was established in the United States in 1971, and itsjourney started with a blue box.

  9. 9 Nintendo

    Heybe Creative

    Nintendo's journey started in 1889 in Japan. Their journey started with hanafuda cards.

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