Which Brand Is Your Horoscope?

In this week's post, you will be able to see which brand is closest to the feeling of your horoscope. 1 min

Hi everyone!

This post will be really different from others because if I can be honest I didn’t clearly know the horoscope but our IG admin helped about writing this post. I send my thanks to her in this way 😃😃.

Anyway, in this post, we’ll make a relationship between horoscope and brands. In this way, we’ll add another topic to our website because we never write about horoscopes.

Before starting, as most of you know World Cup began. if you want to check which brand shared an ad about World Cup, you can check our post. Lastly, if you want to follow what’s happening in the ecosystem, we are inviting you to our IG account.

  1. 1 Redbull / Aries

    The first one is Aries. We connected Aries and Redbull to each other. Because when you need energy and happiness all eyes are on the Aries.

  2. 2 Chanel / Taurus

    Ideas can be changeable from person to person but if we can meet on common ground, that point could be that Chanel is a classy brand. We connected Taurus and Chanel in this way.

  3. 3 Facebook / Gemini

    We should not say Facebook, we should say Meta. Actually, this is the main reason why we choose Gemini. Because Gemini persons are able to communicate with everyone

  4. 4 Nutella / Cancer

    Cancer people are known for their strong emotions. Mostly in our breakfasts, Nutella is able to gather our families at the table. For this reason, we wanted to select Nutella for Cancer.

  5. 5 Versace / Leo

    Versace is so luxury brand. And Leo's known for their luxurious and attractive lives. That's why we connected these two.

  6. 6 Domestos / Virgo

    God sends you a Virgo when you decide to get your life in order. 😂😂For this reason, if you don't have any Virgo friends, you should find even if only one 😂

  7. 7 Starbucks / Libra

    Libras are persons who attract us with their aesthetic appearances. And when you examine Starbucks's logo, the women's hair looks so well. Also, they know as easy to communicate with people. Assuming that most of us date someone mostly in Starbucks, this situation confirms our thesis.

  8. 8 Audi / Scorpio

    Audi India

    Bold and ambitious enough to take everyone in front of her or him… Yes, these are the characteristics that describe the scorpion horoscope.

  9. 9 Coca-Cola / Sagittarius


    When you are talking about a party, Sagittarius people should be there because they are making fun moments even more fun. We thought that Coca-Cola really looks like Sag, and we choose it for Sag.

  10. 10 Volvo / Capricorn

    Doping Creative Agency

    Volvo is known for its safety cars. And if you are talking about safety and strong character, Capricorn people should be most the top of the list.

  11. 11 Balenciaga / Aquarious

    Reason for the this choice, is Aquarius persons are who look like outliers and cool. And as most of you know, Balenciaga is known for its outlier products like Lay's handbag.

  12. 12 Greenpeace / Pisces

    We choose Greenpeace for Pisces people due to their sensitivity to their circle of friends or family. Also, they are Pisces are people who live their feelings surely strong.

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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