How to Network When You Are a Freelancer

If you are home all day every day as a freelancer, you will already know how difficult it is to socialize.2 min

Being a freelancer is great and can come with many different benefits that you just can’t get from a traditional 9 to 5. However, one of the worries that freelancers have is that you can be on your own a lot during the day and do not have the chance to socialize often.

This can impact your work opportunities and other connections that can be useful for both your personal and private life.

So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at how you can network when you work for yourself and why you should add it to your work life.

Use Social Media

If you are home all day every day as a freelancer, you will already know how difficult it is to socialize. Sure, you might have your dog to complain to if something doesn’t go quite right with a project you are working on, but there isn’t anyone there to hash out the nitty gritty with or to get some inspiration from. This is where social media can be extremely beneficial.

Not only can you connect with like-minded people all over the world from your front room, but you can choose when you want to speak to them and find people who share your passions and work subject. This is an excellent way to network, and while it will take effort and time, it is much less strenuous than going out into the big wide world and affronting yourself with strangers in a cramped room. The important thing is to not get sucked into the social media rabbit hole when you should be finishing a project.

Find a Coworking Space

Another excellent way to network with others as a self-employed star is to find a coworking space. This helps people naturally make acquaintances with other professionals without it having to be a forced affair. It can be really nice discussing your projects with other people, gaining new perspectives, and having a chat about different things that you might not usually get the chance to do.

If this sounds like the perfect level of networking for you, then take a look at coworking desks in London for more information.

Join Social Events

Not everything has to be about work, and just connecting with others over social events can be significant for your confidence and social skills. That being said, everyone you meet and every event you attend could bring you potential new customers, employees, or business partners. You never know!

Because you won’t have the social element of a work office unless you choose to hot desk, going to social events will keep you in the know and in touch with others. It is well known that freelance work can sometimes be isolating, especially if you haven’t built up a network of other self-employed professionals.

Create Your Own Coworking Space

If you do manage to gather up a bunch of freelancers, you could always start your own little network where everyone can catch up with each other and chat about their work.

Build your own community and give people in the same boat as you somewhere to go!

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