Instagram Update: GIPHY Joined The Facebook Family

A new entry inside the Facebook Family apps partners tools with a cost of around $400mln, sharing 10 billion contents viewed by 700 million daily users worldwide. 1 min

It’s clear. Firstly, It’s definitely a big race to the next best useful tool with the best integrations for everyday life and everyday work, like key acquisitions as Shazam to Apple and YouTube to Alphabet. GIPHY Joined The Facebook.

Secondly, with over 10 billion contents (GIFs, stickers, and arcade games) viewed by 700 million daily users worldwide (December 2019), GIPHY was founded in 2013 by Jace Cooke and Alex Chung, and Henry Lockwood. GIPHY Joined Facebook. So, it will be integrated into Instagram.

You can access GIPHY’s official website by clicking here.

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50% of GIPHY’s traffic comes from the Facebook family of apps, half of that from Instagram alone. The GIF search engine and database rebuffed a Facebook offer in 2015 to keep working on multiple social media platforms but now it will be another branded part of the Facebook family.

So Giphy is the Generation Z vocabulary, which has not yet managed to fully monetize its content, and represents now an opportunity to offer companies "branded content" in tune with a young audience. In conclusion, at the moment, companies can buy a channel to host their creations and it's easy to imagine an enhancement of opportunities for brands and artists.

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Matteo Villa

Nice to e-meet you i'm Matteo Villa, 24y from Milan, Italy. I‘m passionate and keen on digital media world and I’m currently working as Head of International and Social Media in a dance music company named EGO Music ( after my graduation in Media Languages at UCSC Milan (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) with a thesis about the revolution of daily life with the streaming in entertainment and information. Since 2012 I’m developing the Italian dance/electronic network youBEAT ( with a team of young editors and reporters and collaboration with international radio, events and festivals. I use to daily check website like Socialbakers, Statista, Visual Capitalist, HowMuch and more marketing/digital platforms in order to discover and understand news, stats and trends through the infographics and visuals.

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