KitKat Released Its Ad With Artificial Intelligence!

As you know, AI is gradually being integrated into every aspect of our lives. Shared an example of this with us in the ad space on KitKat. 1 min

Hi marketing lovers! In this week’s post, we will have a look at KitKat’s advertisement. This advertisement is a little bit different from other ones because KitKat was created with the help of Artificial Intelligence. As you know, Artificial Intelligence is getting more and more involved in our lives day by day. KitKat broke new ground in this field by integrating it into the advertising field, as we mentioned above. Before continuing our advertisement, if you are a person who is interested in AI you can read our post that about ChatGPT. Also, if you are a user of Twitter, you can follow us on Twitter.

Here Is The Ad

In addition, it was also published in some video advertisements with the help of artificial intelligence. You can watch both of them below.

Here is the first ad. What do you think? You can share your ideas with us

The second one is here. As we said in the first ad, you can share your ideas with us by sending a dm or sending an e-mail.

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