SEO101: Fundamentals and Importance of SEO!

Discover the Key Principles for Effective Optimization. Learn how SEO can boost your online visibility, and enhance your website's performance! 1 min

Hello everyone! This week’s post is so important for people who want to do e-commerce, write a blog post, etc. Basically, this post will a key for people who want to reach people from the internet. As most of you know, the Internet becomes one of the best ways to do marketing after the globalization of the World. And again most of you know that the COVID-19 pandemic made it even faster. Nowadays, if you want to reach people via the Internet, you should do this within certain rules that are called SEO. SEO is the abbreviation of ”Search Engine Optimization”. It makes your site appear at the top of Google searches. As in everything else, there are certain important criteria in SEO and we have already explained them with its examples but we will also explain them in this post. So let’s begin! 


What are the Key Parts of SEO?

As we described in the introduction, a website with good SEO will get you a high number of engagements. But how it will be possible? , How to set a proper SEO setting? What are the most important criteria? We can list these importances under the 6  subheadings. These are:

  1. Content
  2. Architecture
  3. Reputation
  4. HTML
  5. Links
  6. User

We will start with ''content''. As you guess, while you are creating content, the content should not be low quality. It should be thought through, there should be an in-depth plan for the content. What do we try to say? When you create content you also should think about the keywords of the post. Because when the users are researching anything, they are using these keywords. For example, when you are researching about components of the computer, probably you come across a website that sells computers or a blog website that includes posts about computers and computer components. But when you decide on your keywords you should do research about words that are searched by your potential consumers. To do it, you can use ''Google Keyword Planner''.

On the other hand, you should use high-quality images and videos for better ranking on Google. Because with kind of these images and videos, you should also prevent the quality of your content. So you support our first article. Our other article is a Q&A part on your website. In this way, as well as you can keep in touch with your consumers. Also, you can get the best appearance on Google with those answers.


In this paragraph, we will describe our second important case of SEO. The first one is the results page. If your website gets away from malware, it will bring positive results for you and your website. On the other hand, the website should provide a fast-loading experience for your potential consumers. Our other criteria are to be mobile-friendly. As you know, our screen times really increased especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, people are researching their needs on their mobile phones. Due to this fact, your website should be mobile-friendly and work without any delay or bug. This situation also triggers your crawling results. When anyone wants to do research about your side, he/she can see your website on the top of his/her screen. In this way, you can find a potential consumer or you can get interaction from him/her.

Another important case is duplicate content. Definitely, you should not do it. Google algorithm can easily find it. After then, Google will decrease your website's sorting. And as you guess, this situation will not be good for you and your website. Independently from this, since 2021, Google is taking its attention to user experience. In this way, they provide a service without any interruption to their users. Our other important case is structure. But this one is mostly about developers. Because of their code writing style, all things easily can change on our website. For example; when a user clicks a button on our website, if the developer did not set up the connection properly, probably an error occurs in the website. And this situation will affect our sorting in a negative way.


Our third subheading is ''Reputation''. And it includes things about the correctness, reliability, and problem-solving of your website. Due to these facts, if you are creating content for the web, you or your content creator has to show your or his/her expertise about the topic. It reflects your sorting positively more than you thought. Moreover, you should also try to use links, shares, etc. In this way, you can also provide more colorful content for people who are interested in your content. Our other important point is your acceptance that you have many deep-rooted competitors in this ecosystem. This situation is both nice and it will require work too much. It's so nice because you have to work so much to catch up with your competitors maybe even pass them in Google sorting. As we said, it will also require work a lot. But '' good things come with great pain''  😉😉

In conclusion, in this post, we tried to explain the first three key subheadings -there were content, architecture, and reputation- of SEO. As you saw in our list there are other subheadings also. If you want to get a knowhow about that subheadings also, you can write us on IG or send us an e-mail about it. So that's all from this week.😊  We hope to see you all next week! Have a good day! 

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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