Nike’s Best Motivational Ads! 💪🏻

It is a fact that motivation is what we need most in many areas of our lives. We will meet this need today. Let's examine motivational ads together! 😎 1 min

Hi everyone! Our motivations on a particular subject have always taken us one step forward. If you need motivation today, we will meet your needs together by examining Nike’s motivational ads. 💪🏻 You can continue the hype you will catch before these ads with reading our blog that containing motivational ads and films about the business world. 🚀 The long and the short of it, this week as Marketing Birds, we want to provide it to everyone in the world who needs motivation.😅

X: @marketing_birds 👈

  1. 1 Michael Jordan

    Our first commercial comes from the GOAT of basketball.🐐 (We think most of you will agree with this comment. 😁) In this commercial, Michael Jordan talks about how hard he tried and finally succeeded. As a team, we were very impressed while watching it.🤩

  2. 2 #JustDoIt

    An incredible advertisement made with successful female athletes. Frankly, we were very impressed, just like the first one. Nike is really successful in these types of advertisements and we think they deserve appreciation.👏

  3. 3 Find Your Greatness!

    Third and finally, we agree with everything we said about the ads above. We hope you think like us. You can let us know your favorite ad via our X account and provide feedback. 🤓

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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