McDonald’s Iftar Sand Clock

1 min

Hello again to everyone, You know that the month of Ramadan started on April 24. This month is a holy fasting month for Muslims. This month, where food companies must abstain from showing food in their ads to avoid temptation during fasting. But, McDonald’s Saudi Arabia has created a novel new way to advertise its products without being disrespectful to the Muslim faith. It was appreciated by many that McDonald’s did such an advertising campaign on behalf of Muslims. The ad campaign was also shared by thousands of users on social media. McDonald’s Iftar Sand Clock. You can find other McDonald’s-related shares at the links below, stay tuned!

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In the full Iftar period, the sand grains come together and form the McDonald's meal. When the meal is complete, customers are free to order.

The Iftar Sand Clock is also running on McDonald’s social media stories, with special promo codes that are only revealed once the sand completely falls. By doing this, it supports their McDelivery operation to increase sales for a quarantined nation.

Advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Saudi Arabia for McDonald's.

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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