From Sci-Fi to Reality: San Francisco’s Driverless Minibuses

Experience the future of urban transit with San Francisco's driverless minibusses, transforming public commuting. 🚐 1 min

Hi everyone! 🖐️ Today we’ll talk about an innovation based on San Francisco. 🤖 TIMMA, the transportation unit of Treasure Island, has recently implemented a pilot program called “Loop”. With this program, San Francisco’s driverless minibusses, along with robotaxes, are now at the service of San Francisco residents free of charge. There are some attendants in the vehicles. These attendants are there to answer passengers’ questions. San Francisco’s driverless minibusses project will initially go through a 9-month trial period. Vehicles mostly go to commercial spaces and community centers. On the other hand, if you are a person who interested in innovational things in marketing ecosystem, you can read our post that about Heinz’s new ads by clicking the link. 👈

As we mentioned above, this process will take 9 months. At the end of these 9 months, the officials will draw a new road map for themselves in line with the information they have acquired. 🗺️ In this way, we will monitor together whether people's needs can be met with such vehicles and the performance of driverless vehicle technology. 🚗

ABC7 News

Here is the news that ABC7 News shared with you on the YouTube channel. 👆🏻

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