7 World Cup Ads That You’ll Be Attracted!

As a group who fell in love with football, we decided to write a post about World Cup and its ads. 1 min

Most of us know, that this year's World Cup will be held in Qatar. The big day is approaching day by day, so we want to allocate a post about this tournament. In this post, we will list the best World Cup ads. If you're interested in 2018 World Cup ads, you can also check out this post. Let's begin!


1) KFC

A nice one! In this ad, KFC wants to emphasize a goal from Maradona against England. And that goal is called the ''Hand of God''.

2) McDonald's

McDonald's is using their hamburgers like a Russian matryoshka doll. And for me, it looks so well.


This one is coming from the Women's World Cup 2019. We wanted to add this one because we want to emphasize the equality of women and men.

4) KFC

KFC created an appetizing ad for World Cup that was organized in Russia in 2018.


As the organizer of the World Cup, FIFA created an ad for 2010's World Cup and if you ask me, it's so good.

6) McDonald's

Again McDonald's and again a creative ad! They used another symbol of Russia, the Red Square, with their ice creams.

7) Coca-Cola

The last one is coming from Coca-Cola. They used their bottles with countries that were able to play in World Cup 2014.

So... Which team is your favourite in this World Cup? We wish good luck to all teams in the World Cup! 

You can share your ideas with me by e-mail or Instagram. I hope you like it and see u all in another post! 

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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