What if an AI could conduct interviews?

After AI, artificial customers will also be included in our lives! Dentsu Creative achieved this. We will examine this in our post this week. 1 min

Hi, innovaiton birds! 🖐️ Today we will talk to you about a slightly more modified version of AI, which we have talked about many times before. -By using this link you can reach all of them and read whatever you prefer🤓-  But this time the case is a little bit different because this time ”Dentsu Creative”  took it one step further. Their CEO, Boris Nihom interviewed the artificial customers! Let’s have a look at this AI campaign together.

IG: @marketingbirds

More Details About the Campaign!

We are all carefully following the increase in the use of artificial intelligence. It becomes more and more integrated into our lives in a different aspect every day.🦾 Today, as we mentioned above, this has gone one step further. Instead of being surprised when we come across this and similar news, I think it creates expectations for us as people. Thinking one step further and doing mental exercises on this subject is good for my creativity, at least for me. 🧐

For this campaign, the agency created artificial customers with three different fictional personalities: "Cruel Critic", "Idealist Dreamer" and "Confused Creator". 🤓

About this campaign, the CEO of the agency said:

"Although the Artificial Customer is not designed as a functional tool, it is a fun way to demonstrate the potential of this exciting technology, blending different AIs into future creativity and business services to enhance the customer experience," he said.

Here is the interview! 🤩 What are your ideas about the topic? Artifical customers will be in our lives in the future? Don't forget to share your ideas with us on our IG account or send an e-mail. 😊

That's all for this week. We hope you like it!

See you all next week! 😇

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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