What If Iconic Figures Want to Go Holiday?

Brand invites tourists on a unique journey where they challenge the boundaries with iconic figures like Mona Lisa, Girl with a Pearl Earring, and other masterpieces. 1 min

Hello everyone! As we wrote in the meta description today, we will take you on a unique journey with iconic figures. ✈️ ''easyJet'' and their advertising agency ''VCCP London'' working on this project, introduced ''Get Out There''. EasyJet offers more convenient and high-quality travel, but while doing this, they did it in a slightly different and creative way compared to other commercials. In their ads, they featured iconic figures like Mona Lisa and Girl with a Pearl Earring! 😳 Today, we'll have a look at this advertisement campaign. We hope you like it!

So let's begin!

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Girl With Pearl Earrings

This is one of the pictures shared from the Girl With Pearl Earring's holiday! She preferred the sea, sand, and sun trilogy on this holiday. 🌊

Here is the ad! Watch it and share your ideas with us by sending DMs on IG

Also, if you are wondering about our ideas about the ad, we love it! 😍 It's so different from the other ads. In this way, both easyJet and VCCP London prove their creative side to people who see this advertisement campaign.

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