Great Ad Revealed by ChatGPT with an Advertising!

In this week's post, we'll show you how fun and creative ChatGPT can be when used with advertising, with an example from Belgium.1 min

Hey Marketing Birds Readers! 👋🏻

Artificial intelligence, which has been included in our lives for a long time, has now started to take an active role in the advertising industry. We saw an important example of this in Belgium. The leading role in this story is Impact, a Belgian company, and darwinBBDO, which signed up for this ad. As you can see in the title, this company has prepared a ChatGPT with an advertisement. It would be more accurate to say that he used it instead of using ChatGPT.

ChatGPT with an advertisement or ChatGPT and advertisement are not two very distant terms. Even if not directly with ChatGPT, as we shared with you, Nestle has published an advertisement with this kind of artificial intelligence. If you do not know what an ad is and want to learn, you can see the ad by clicking the link.

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Impact's Comment About The Ad

Commenting on this ad on its own LinkedIn account, Impact said, “Artificial intelligence can do a lot. But AI cannot finish this building in Keyserlei in Antwerp. AI cannot fix a leak or install a heating system. Artisanal people are here permanently and deserve to be appreciated. Skills are irreplaceable.”

In this video, an alternative finished building was made for this building, based on this creative advertisement. We had fun watching it, I hope you like it too😇

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