4 Traffic Signs That Will Make Traffic More Bearable

Traffic Jam... All of us' nightmares. In this blog, you'll be able to see 4 creative traffic signs that will make traffic more bearable. 1 min

As we’ve written in the first paragraph, most of us hate traffic and traffic signs. For this reason, we wanted to change your perspective by using these really creative traffic signs. If you want to see more creative designs you can check the link. Also if you are interested in marketing you can review our other content on Instagram So let’s beginn!😊  

1) Power Rangers

Alexis Gallon/Instagram

As most of us know, Power Rangers have different colors from each other. Creator wanted to use this situation for his idea.

2) Dragon Ball Z

Alexis Gallon/Instagram

I didn't watch this tv series ever but the sign looks really well. Also if you want to watch something about marketing, and entrepreneurship independently from our blog you can check the link. For this reason, I decided to watch Dragon Ball Z. Thanks, Alexis 😂😂

3) Rick and Morty

Alexis Gallon/Instagram

If you are talking about creativity in any tv series, probably the first thing you will see is Rick and Morty. And if you ask me this is the greatest thing for the creators of Rick and Morty. They should proud of themselves.  

4) Dragon Ball

Alexis Gallon/Instagram

As I wrote in ''Dragon Ball Z'' I didn't watch this tv series again. And again these signs really good well.  

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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