The 5 Most Expensive NFTs Ever Sold

After the development of NFTs, new opportunities appeared for people who want to earn money. And you will see images sold at prices you wouldn't believe. 1 min

The NFT world is unique and endless, most people try to sell or buy NFTs every day. Today we've listed the most expensive NFTs ever sold in the world. Also if you want to know which global brands have entered that universe, you can read our other NFT blog.

  1. 1 The Merge - $91.8 million

    Digital artist Pak's creation, The Merge, has sold 312,686 units on Nifty Gateway. It's also the record for an artwork sold publicly by a living artist, according to Nifty Gateway.

  2. 2 Everydays - $69.3 million

    Everydays: the First 5000 Days is a unique piece of art in the history of digital art. It takes the form of a collage of 5,000 individual images taken daily for more than 13 years.

  3. 3 Clock - $52.7 million

    Clock is an artifact that behaves almost like a real clock. But instead of telling the time, it counts the days that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange spent in prison.

  4. 4 Human One - $29.0 million

    Human One is a hybrid artwork between the physical and digital worlds. Conceptually, it represents the first human born in the Metaverse. It consists of a video sculpture designed to evolve gradually and a corresponding dynamic NFT.

  5. 5 CryptoPunk #5822 - $23.7 million

    CryptoPunk #5822 is one of 10,000 Ethereum-based avatars printed in 2017. Alien is cool and has one feature – a bandana.

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Ramazan ÖNER

Former "Social Media Manager" of Marketing Birds. He is studying "Business" at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes sales marketing and advertising also he interested in social media marketing. If you would like to send your creative works/ideas to him, say hello via email.

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