6 Brand Names That Tried To Be Like The Original Ones

Before the beginning, we wanted to emphasize a point: ''Imitations keep the original alive.'' 1 min

There are too many brands and brand names outside. Some brands are inspired by popular ones. Today We’ve listed 6 brand names that are named popular brands. Also if you are interested in brands and their brand values, before the exiting website, you can check that blog from the link.

  1. 1 KatKot - KitKat

    When you look at it the first time you might suppose that it's the original KitKat, but it's not.😂 If you are careless person, you will missed this  😂 

  2. 2 Deats - Beats

    Now we've Deats instead of Beats. The headphone looks similar but I'm not sure about the sound quality.

  3. 3 PolyStation - PlayStation

    Everyone wants a PlayStation, but few people want to buy ''PolyStation'😂 😂 For this reason, you should be careful. 😂 

  4. 4 Deisel - Diesel

    If you change the place of one word of the original brand's name, you might have a new brand name.

  5. 5 Mike - Nike

    If you don't have Nike, the solution is essential. You should get a Mike.😂😂And their slogan is ready: ''Just make it.''

  6. 6 Adiclas - Adidas

    I've seen Abidabas once but I've never seen this one before. I think this name is really creative, also the logo is so similar to the original one.😂😂😂

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