6 Creative Ads By Burger King During The Pandemic!

The COVID-19 outbreak changed all of our lives, and also showed how well some brands manage the crisis. We collected the campaigns Burger King made so far!1 min

Hola Burgers!

Up until now, globalization had made it difficult for brands to keep in existence, by making huge impacts on technological, political, cultural, and economic aspects of the markets. The “good” campaigns are now offering variety, and have a different attitude towards the customer. Creative Ads By Burger King!

Globalization did make positive impacts, like having brands get more creative, but it also caused a faster and more effective crisis environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. The country borders had become somewhat blurry thanks to globalization, and so we couldn’t effectively stop the outbreak. That surely shakes up the world markets. Brands try to raise consciousness, support the customer, and keep relevant all at once. So, good crisis management saves the brands more than anything can these times.

Fast food, catering and food industries were some of the most affected ones. The brands with creative strategies of marketing survive. At this exact point, Burger King is one of the biggest survivors. We collected their impressive ads and campaigns here for you!

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Let’s begin!

  1. 1 How To Make A Quarantine Burger?

    This is a successful brand positioning that evolved in correlation with the changing situations and factors. They offer the recipe of their signature burger with a nice visual presentation, considering their customers staying and working hard at home. Their restaurant chains might have relapsed into silence, but never the brand itself! Burger King has found a way to meet with the customers —with this powerful, easy to grasp, creative campaign!

  2. 2 Social Distancing Whopper

    Let’s admit —onions are delicious as much as displeasing to people around you. Unlike many other campaigns that seriously warn people about social distancing, this one of Burger King Italy takes the issue in a witty way. They know what people need the most in these hard times: just a smile. This new product is on sale in all Italian Burger King restaurants, offering Italians a thick later of triple onions, rendering 'em so stinky that people will stay away. The most delicious state of social distance!

  3. 3 Heroes: Couch Potatriots

    We again see a humorous take on social responsibility in this campaign of Burger King. The message: If you wanna be a hero, do it be a couch potatriot! “Staying on your couch has almost become an act of patriotism in these times, as well as a celebration of healthcare workers,” says Gabriel Schmitt, FCB New York creative chief. As part of this campaign, Burger King is waiving delivery fees on mobile-app orders over $10, and enabling New Yorkers to support healthcare professionals by donating $10 by sending a text message. Such a creative and considerate campaign!

  4. 4 Lock Down Whopper

    Staying at home all the time is not easy. We all get bored, and even anxious sometimes. Many brands encourage us to keep going through their creative campaigns. Burger King Brazil comes up with an innovative one. It's an application that analyzes the time people spend at home, and gives rewards —the more they stay home, the more they win! It starts with appetizers and goes up to whole huge meals. This creative work not only helps Brazilians keep at home, but it also strengthens the relationships between the brand and its customer.

  5. 5 Safe Distancing Hat (!)

    Go big or go home! Burger King Singapore keeps you entertained via a creative social distancing project. The giant crowns they designed to offer a fun way to keep people away from others while eating at Burger King restaurants. People stress out while outside because of the outbreak, and this is a genius way to keep them safe without any worries. That’s not an effort to go back to their old restaurant system, but it’s a creative take on adapting to the new conditions of our world. They seem to pull it off!

  6. 6 Christmas In July

    Everyone feels like a child, fueling their hopes and expectations, at Christmas. Burger King wants to bring those feelings back to you, by calling it “Christmas in July.” The overwhelming unemployment, health crisis, and economic depression all caused trouble to Burger King restaurants. The brand wants you to know that those times have passed, by celebrating Christmas in 2020 July. The masks and precautions are emphasized, to reassure you that it’s safe now to get a bit normalized. That makes it a campaign to encourage old consumption habits.

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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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