7 Vintage and Fascinating Ads About Spain!

This week, we'll have a look at advertisements created in Spain. On another hand, these ads will be vintage ones. We're so excited about that so let's begin! 1 min

¡Hola amigos!  ¿Que Tal? I’m so excited about this post because I’m a person who really likes Spain and learning Spanish. For this reason, this post is so exclusive to me. Also, I like vintage ads. In this post,, we’ll see vintage ads in Spain. Before the beginning, if this post turn on your traveler mode😂 and you want to see some hotels and their ads you can click this link.

And lastly, if you want to watch or see some posts about creative things or what’s happening in the marketing ecosystem, you’re invited to our Instagramaccount😊😊

  1. 1

    This ad is simply describing what people can do in Spain in the left part. In the right part, explains what they can do together with their travel agent.

  2. 2 Bayer

    Actually, Bayer is a firm that creates medicines. And they are coming from Germany. But they created this ad for Spain. That's why I wanted to add this one.

  3. 3 Hotel Colon

    Another hotel ad. As you know, Spain is a warm country and all parts of the year, tourists can go and stay in Spain. For this reason, this post is including too many hotel advertisements. 

  4. 4 Hotel Alhambra Place

    I said in the third one, in this post you'll see too many hotel ads. This one is just one of them. But this one is located in Granada.

  5. 5 Patronato Nacional Del Turismo

    This one is created by National Tourist Board of Spain. And it describes the good weather in Malaga at all parts of the year.

  6. 6 Madrid Temporada de Primavera

    6th one is explaining a flower event in Madrid.

  7. 7 Iberia Airlines

    The last one is coming from an airplane firm. They are based in Spain. For this reason, they thought of a special advertisement for Spain.

Before the finish, if you want to find a friend to speak to or write to in Spanish, you can send me an e-mail or write me on Instagram. That can be good for me to improve my skills.

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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