8 Amazing Guerilla Marketing Examples Of Tv Series

1 min

Hi all! We talked before that some movies and TV series are intertwined with marketing and advertising. If you did not read and want to read, you can click for the TV series and the movies here. Going back to this article, movies and the tv series contents are not only adding marketing and advertising topics. Many movies and tv series also use guerilla marketing for paying attention. (You can click here for movies use guerilla marketing.) People love guerilla marketing. Especially, when their favorite movie or tv series is combined with guerilla marketing, they share it with everyone. Thus, this movie or tv series succeeds at a low cost and each person hears it. And this is the power of interaction and creativity. So, we selected guerilla marketing examples for tv series. Perhaps, you already know some of these. Well, let’s read.

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  1. 1 Game Of Thrones

    Dragon shade became of symbol of Game of Thrones' end season. We saw to fall dragon shade on the city from the trailer of the end season. This advertising of GoT felt to live people inside the tv series. And they only used this with newspapers.

  2. 2 Simpsons

    Brown couch, pink wall, picture, and floor lamp... We see at each beginning of this tv series. We see the Simpsons family layout... People can part of Simpsons with this guerilla marketing.

  3. 3 The Handmaids Tale

    The Handmaids Tale's iconic costume is red clothes and white hats. Simple touches are shown with this marketing.

  4. 4 Black Mirror

    Black Mirror handles technology especially social media, artificial intelligence, and people of the future. Of course, this future is dystopian. And when the intro of Black Mirror is breaking the black screen like a tv and phone screen. This advertising was contacted with intro. We see with advertising, breaking middle from a phone screen and her face become evil. Black Mirror love guerilla marketing. At below, it used the bus station and wrote a new message "Live now, everywhere.". It included people with this message.

    Credit: Brother Ad School

  5. 5 Law & Order

    The cross-examination screen showed well with the billboard.   

  6. 6 Stranger Things

    Stranger Things introduced us to the alternate universe upside-down like above.

  7. 7 House Of Cards

    House of Cards lives us to the election campaign with Frank Underwood. 

  8. 8 Prison Break

    The prison cannot be explained so well and simply. The agency simply put the printed ad behind bars.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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