Why Do We Spend Too Much Money? Money Trap

2 min

The interiors of the stores are so carefully equipped that every aspect, from the sound of the music to the location of the items, will carefully be selected to encourage customers to spend more money. Money trap.

Through this article, we’ll appear you a number of the savvy showcasing strategies that will permit you to spend more cash, from straightforward general stores to huge chain stores, and which most of us don’t indeed pay consideration to.

Using The “SALE” Icon

Credit: Matt Cardy / Getty Images

Shopkeepers write the “Sale” sign in bold in large letters and hang it on store windows, which is simply a “money trap” set to get customers into the store. As if, they say in case you do not get anything, go interior and perhaps you have got something you need.

Limited Time Offer

Credit: Tribu Creative

Saying that the offer is limited or not lasting long, they encourage the buyer to act immediately and force them (the customers) to buy something they did not plan. This style usually uses in red, and in many cases, it works.

Quiet And Pleasant Music


Studies show that quiet music encourages customers to shop and spend more money without rushing. Loud music, on the other hand, makes them rush through the store and negatively impact sales. Classical music is mainly used in costly restaurants and boutiques.

Location Of Most Consumed Daily Products

We can add bread, eggs, milk, and dairy products to our daily consumption, and so stores place them at the back of the farthest points of the store (in most cases) separately. The idea is to fill the carts with products that they have overlooked and are not in the purchasing plans, by walking the customer around the entire store as much as possible.

There is a logical continuation of this style, which is to change the location of all the products in the stores at least once a month.

Loyalty/Membership Card

“Membership”, “Loyalty” or similar cards have always attracted customers. Special and permanent discounts, a certain amount of money back – these are definitely in the attention of every customer. If you have a special card from any store, then remember! They are “watching” you. Your favorite foods, gifts, “nice” discounts, holiday greetings, even special birthday discounts, and more – it’s all for you. All you have to do is give them information about your purchase. How does it work? Of course, by checking your card once at the end of the purchase. it’s like selling your data to a store.

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A'zam Sultonov

Master's degree (MBA) student at Baltic International Academy. Content writer about marketing and its activities. The main interests are neuromarketing, consumer behavior, experiential and sensory marketing. For any questions, please contact me.

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