9 Creative Ads Dedicated to Father’s Day

Fathers... They're our capeless superheroes. That's why we wanted to dedicate a post to them. 1 min

As we wrote in the introduction, fathers are our capeless superheroes. Whenever we need them, they are always putting away their jobs and coming for help. For this reason, we wanted to celebrate their father’s day, in our style. Also, if you want to check old ads about fathers day, you can click the link. And lastly, don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds’ Instagram and Twitter accounts.

  1. 1 Portafolio


    Most of our fathers are interested in the economy and economic news in our countries. In this ad, the brand and creators wanted to emphasize this point. 😊😊

  2. 2 McDonald's

    Like everything, McDonald's never miss special days or event. The same situation is still going on this Father's Day.

  3. 3 Syham

    Our fathers are our guiding. From childhood to be a grandpa. And in this ad, the brand wanted to emphasize that point with different way.

  4. 4 WIS

    Glasses, whiskers, and ties. If you ask me, these are founding for our fathers and they are using them well.

  5. 5 Wildfusion

    Wild Fusion

    As written in the ad, some gaps are never filled. From this point; if you lost your father, we are sharing your pain and we send our condolences.

  6. 6 Mrs Rector's Cremica

    Like the 4th ad, whiskers, and ties used in this ad too. But one thing is different: In this ad, the brand doing it with their cookies.

  7. 7 Abasana Advertising

    Abasana Advertising

    Our fathers really shouldering every responsibility just a happy smile. For this reason, we are grateful for them.

  8. 8 Propello

    This one is similar to our 7th ad. Because in this ad, the creator and the brand is trying to say that our fathers are always fighting for a more comfortable life for us and our families. 

  9. 9 KBC

    Being a father is not only for humans but also for animals. And KBC wants to emphasize this point in a fun way. And if you ask me they did well. 😂😂😂

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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