A First in Vogue’s History! Vogue Blank Cover Page

With each passing day, we see another example of brands trying to give correct messages to their clients and followers. Vogue is not an exception! 1 min

Hola, pyjama fashion followers! Vogue Blank Cover Page!

Fashion trends are some of the most globalized concepts, and global brands are under the heavy influence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vogue Magazine, which is often the first thing coming to our minds when someone says “fashion”, now campaigns awareness with a loud social reaction to COVID-19.

Vogue Italia has shed light on the fashion trends with its cover pages since the day it was established. Now for the first time in its history, the magazine published a Vogue blank cover page.

By clicking here, you can find another story about the Vogue brand posting a blank page.

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Emanuele Farneti, the executive editor of the magazine, points out that they had three purposes when pressing this white cover, all of which due to COVID-19 pandemic.


Obviously, the meaning of the color “white” is the first reason why they chose it. It signifies respect, rising again, a new lease of life, and the combination of all colors in existence. It surely deserves its place on Vogue Italia’s cover! After this pandemic, beautiful days will be waiting for us. The magazine wants to present us with an image from that future, which is bright and full of art. 

The second reason would be the health workers' clothes —which are white! This campaign is not only an optimistic take but also a show of respect to fighters of the pandemic. 

And lastly, the fact that they had never published a blank cover page was an important factor. They wanted to do something they normally would not do, so the influence would be greater.

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Farneti states that the cover page was previously shot and edited, but they canceled it anyway, for the messages they want to convey. They received much support from the people of the world, as a brand old enough to witness many wars, epidemics and other disasters coming up with a blank page for the very first time.

Lastly, many famous names such as Bella Hadid, Gigi Hadid, Steven Klein, Joe McKenna, Collier Schorr, Petra Collins, Willy Vanderperre and Lindsey Wixson shared the photos they took at their homes for this Vogue Italia’s April issue. Another subtle message for encouraging us to safely and healthily #stayhome.

Gigi Hadid - Vogue Italia, April 2020

“Above all: white is not surrender, but a blank sheet waiting to be written, the title page of a new story that is about to begin.”

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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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