The Importance of Colors in the Marketing Ecosystem!

Colors mean many things in psychology. This situation also affects the marketing ecosystem. That's why, we wanted to talk about Colors in the marketing ecosystem. 1 min

Hi marketing lovers! In this post, you’ll be able to check what color means in the marketing ecosystem. This topic is important because it determines what action the customer should take. On the other hand, colors, which we can deduce from many meanings such as reliability, durability, cheapness, affordable, and for everyone, play a big role in reaching the consumers of the brands. For instance, On Marketing Birds’ website, we mostly used yellow, because yellow is a color that is used to activate joy and a sense of positive energy. Yellow, also reflects on Sun. This can be an example of colors in the marketing ecosystem. Before beginning our post, you can also read our post that about pschology of colors.

TW: @marketing_birds


The first color that we chose is yellow. We explained yellow, in our example in the first paragraph. But in this part, it will be a little bit more detailed. As the photo says, yellow reflects joy, positivity, etc. Marketing Birds' website includes yellow for this reason. We decide in yellow to show you our sincerity and friendliness. And lastly, yellow is hat has become the symbol of summer vacation. Someone who is in search of a holiday will have a clear perception of advertisements in yellow tones.


Verywell / Cindy Chung

The second one is red. Red is a color that is strong, aggressive, stimulating, and has a sense of urgency. From a sectoral point of view, it is generally used intensively in the tourism sector during early reservation periods. Even if, red symbols urgency, in some cases can have a straining effect on the customer. Therefore, care should be taken when using it.


The last one is green. First of all, green is the symbol of nature and spring. It has characteristics such as wealth, hope, and conservatism. In addition, green is mostly used in the food and beverage industry, the construction industry, and the content industry.

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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