Content Management System 101! An Introduction To CMS Ecosystem

Content Management System is software apps that help you create, and manage your content on the web. In this post, we'll explain these systems. 1 min

Hi marketing lovers! 😍 Today we’ll talk about a topic that has not been written on our website before. As you can see in the title of the post, this week we’ll talk about content management systems (CMSs). And also will share the pros and cons of the two types of systems for you. Before continuing to our new topic, we want to emphasize a different new point in our lives. As you know, AIs are getting into our lives day by day. In this case, we wanted to explain the importance of AIs 🤖 in your marketing activities. That’s why, in previous weeks, we published a post about that. If you want to read it, here you can find the link.

So let’s start! 

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What Does CMS Meaning?

Firstly we want to start with the definition. As we wrote in our meta description, Content Management Systems are software that helps you in your website activities. So, what are these activities? For instance;  you can easily manage or edit your content, and track and analyze your website activities. 🧐 On the other hand, by using a content management system, you can build a website from scratch without technical knowledge. Moreover, CMSs manage the infrastructure of your website in the best way for you. In this way, as we mentioned above, you can create a website from scratch without any coding knowledge.

What Can a Content Management System Provide to The Developer and Content Writer?

A content management system (CMS) provides developers with a structured platform for website or application development, such as a prebuilt template plugin. On the other side of the coin, it provides content writers with the ability to write content without technical knowledge, and an interface to edit and publish that content. It also ensures consistent content delivery by providing seamless communication between the developer and the content writer over the CMS. On the other hand, content writers benefit from features such as scheduling, categorization and metadata management, optimizing content organization and publishing workflows.

What Are The Types of Content Management System?

CMSs are divided into two. These are:

-> Traditional CMS: The traditional CMS was one of the first CMSs introduced decades ago, powering approximately 39.5% of websites. If we had to consider a longer period, there was a need for more and more customization of traditional CMSs, which means that both the front-end and the back-end are interconnected. This situation makes it more difficult to customize this field since it is the main goal to eliminate technical knowledge and application.

-> Headless CMS: Headless CMS is a content management system where the back-end is separated from the front-end and the content to be written or written is delivered to the front-end via API. While Headless CMS gives you the ability to choose the front end that may be suitable for you among the options for your project, Traditional CMSs have the ability to manage all the basic infrastructure on your behalf.

But also, headless CMSes are divided into two. What are they?

1) API-First CMS: API-First CMS prioritizes the design and development of the application programming interface (API) as the rule of thumb for managing content. And it is a content management system that handles the whole process accordingly. It enables content creators and developers to programmatically access, modify, and distribute content, allowing flexible integration with a variety of front-end applications and services. API-First CMS simplifies headless or multi-channel content delivery architectures by giving organizations the power to separate content management from delivery.

2) Git-Based CMS: Git-based CMSs are a type of headless content management system that uses Git as the base version control system for managing content. It uses Git's branching, merging, and versioning capabilities, allowing users to track changes, collaborate, and manage content in a structured way. A Git-based headless CMS integrates Git, providing a powerful content management solution that combines the benefits of version control with content editing.

Pros ✅ and Cons ❌ of Using a Git-Based Headless CMS

Pros can be listed like:

  • Automated Backup
  • Easier Setup
  • Scalability

Cons can be listed like:

  • Learning Curve
  • Customization Limitations

Pros ✅ and Cons ❌ of Using a API-First Headless CMS

Pros can be listed like:

  • Flexibility
  • Developer-Friendly

Cons can be listed like:

  • Storage Limits
  • Learning Curve

As We Finish Our Post

So that's all for this week. We hope you like it. If you have any questions or feedback you can send me an e-mail 📩  or DM on Instagram. Thank you for your time and Happy Sunday! 😊

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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