WWF Portugal Creates Animal Typefaces That Have Been Endangered!

WWF Portugal and Bar Ogilvy revolutionize conservation with endangered animal typefaces, combining art and awareness. In this post we'll see this. 1 min

Hi everyone! This week, we will try to raise awareness on an issue by using the power of marketing with you. This thread is about endangered animals. In this post, we will examine the simple but impressive alphabet prepared by WWF Portugal and the advertisement film that went along with it. Also, just like WWF Portugal, we shared a post in a previous post to raise awareness about water pollution. You can reach that post by following the link.

Twitter🐦: @marketing_birds

Here is the Alphabet!

As you saw in the thumbnail, they created a different and creative way to build awareness about the topic that they want to emphasize. This subject has been tried to be explained in many ways before, but we wanted to share it with you, our readers, since this is something that has not been done more than others.

Bar Ogilvy

What a video! With this creative and attractive video, our most important expectation will be to show the necessary attention all over the world to the subject to be told. Because this world is not only the world of us humans but also of our animal friends🐼. That's why we should respect their right to life as much as people.

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